In the wake of a looming recession, retail sales are falling and consumer spending is on the decline. In these tough times, marketers have to think smart if they want to generate a maximum return on investment from their ad dollars. How can you ensure that your upcoming campaigns generate the best outcomes for your audiences?
Our new recession report will help you develop successful campaigns that maximize your return on marketing investment during an economic downturn. With an emphasis on consumer mindset, this guide highlights purchase patterns, outlines opportunities for growth and explains why contextual advertising is the best solution to tackle the uncertain future of digital advertising.
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Más de la mitad de los consumidores estadounidenses prevén reducir su gasto en lo que queda de 2022.
Las compras omnicanal se están convirtiendo en la norma, y el 45% de los consumidores afirman que las redes sociales influyen en sus compras.
Según un estudio reciente de Dentsu, la segmentación contextual es un 29% más rentable que la segmentación por comportamiento.